Clearing up a green pond

It happens to almost every (swimming) pond owner: the pond water turns green. A clear pond looks naturally much nicer and aquatic plants grow better in clear water. Moreover, swimming in green water is not as attractive. In this blog you can read why pond water turns green and how you can remedy and prevent this.

The cause of green water

Green and turbid water in your pond is caused by floating and filamentous algae. Floating algae give a green glow to the pond water, making the water no longer clear. Thread algae, as the name implies, are thread-like algae that can grow on the pond edge, planting baskets and between aquatic plants. Often, thread algae is compared to weeds in the garden. It doesn’t look pretty and thread algae quickly gets the upper hand in the pond. It is therefore important to combat them at an early stage.

How do these algae get into your pond?

Algae need two things to grow: sunlight and nutrition. When the pond is largely in the sun, the concentration of algae becomes higher. In addition, the combination of too few (working) aquatic plants and a high fish population increases the likelihood of floating algae. It is also possible that the filter system is not functioning (properly), that the water contains too many nutrients or that the water has recently been changed and is not yet balanced.

Combating algae

Combating floating algae with a UV-C unit

Floating algae can be easily controlled with the help of a UV-C unit. First of all, a properly functioning pond pump and filter system is required. The pond pump pumps the pond water through the UV-C unit, where it comes into contact with UV-C radiation. Bacteria, viruses and algae can no longer multiply, die and disappear from the water. The result is a clear and healthy pond without the need to add chemicals. A UV-C unit is therefore indispensable in every (swimming) pond.

Phosphate level too high

An excessively high phosphate content is the main cause of string algae in the pond. By using phosphate removers such as AquaForte Phospat or Phosfree the phosphate value below 0.035mg / l can be brought and kept. With a proper low phosphate value algae have no chance to grow.

Filamentous algae require an active approach

To combat filamentous algae, however, more is needed than just a correct phosphate value. Thread algae must be removed manually with a thread algae brush.

AquaForte water treatment agents, such as Alg-Stop Bio, are one way to make string algae disappear faster. Alg Stop Bio supports the dirt-degrading bacteria in reducing excess nutrients in the water.

In addition, adding extra oxygen is one way to make algae disappear. The use of an active oxygen preparation such as AquaForte Oxypond affects the cell structure of algae making them smaller or completely disappear.

Bottom sludge

Especially windblown leaves and uneaten fish food eventually create a thick muddy layer on the bottom of the pond. The oxygen plants can not absorb all these nutrients and bottom silt is thus a food source for algae. By adding AquaForte Microbe-Lift Sludge Away to your pond water, the sludge disappears from the bottom and the water becomes clear again.

Preventing green water: six tips

1. Check and restore the water values

In addition to a correct phosphate value, the other water values must also be in balance. When one or more water values are out of balance, algae have free rein to grow. By regularly checking the water values and adding water treatment and water improvement products to the pond water you ensure the right biological balance in your pond. In this blog you can read all about the optimal water values.

2. Provide shade

Sunlight ensures that oxygen plants continue to work and other pond plants grow. However, too much sunlight above the pond is also an important cause of promoting algae growth. It is therefore important to also create shade above your pond. This can be done by placing a shade cloth or parasol on sunny days, but also by placing water lilies. The floating leaves of water lilies provide shade.

3. Remove organic material

Plant debris and leaves are a food source for algae. It also creates more waste products in the pond. So it is important to manually remove organic material from your pond.

4. Don’t overfeed fish

Leftover food disturbs the biological balance and is also food for algae. A good rule of thumb is that fish should eat the fish food within 5 minutes. Anything left in the pond after that time is too much.

5. Make sure there are not too many fish in the pond

When you have too many fish in your pond it will disturb the biological balance. Especially when the fish get too much food, as described above, more waste than the bacteria can process. This can cause you to suffer from floating algae and the water becomes cloudy.

6. Proper equipment

Creating a biological balance in completely stagnant water is a hopeless task. A properly functioning pond pump is therefore indispensable. Choosing the right filter system can prevent a cloudy pond. As we wrote above, in order to prevent algae growth, a UV-C device is certainly not lacking.